Wednesday, 4 November 2009

Day 15 - The Family Silver

Yesterday morning I was trying to get a shot of one of our cats for the blog but he was being incredibly uncooperative so as I headed back to my study to put the camera away I saw this shot.  On the top of a short bookcase in the dining room we have an arrangement of semi-precious items including the silver photo frame, a pair of silver plated goblets and a crystal glass decanter and matching tumblers.  The most precious things about the items are the memories associated with them.  The decanter and glasses we have had for a long time and sometimes the decanter actually has something in it.  The goblets were bought for our silver wedding anniversary by Lynne's family over seven years ago now.  I bought Lynne the silver frame for either her birthday or Christmas some years ago.  The photo was one from our wedding slides which Lynne had copied to a photograph as a present for me.  Thinking about it now I realise that my memory of the hard facts is somewhat flaky but the sentiment is still there.  We've been together for over 35 years now and these items span those years and take pride of place in our home.  They are not expensive but they irreplaceable.  

Monday, 2 November 2009

Day 14 - The Decisive Moment

A bit of a grand title taking the name of a book by Henri Cartier-Bresson but I've had a burst of enthusiasm because we're into a new month.  I'm breaking all the rules by having two images today in the hope that it makes up for a two week gap.  Anyhow I was out walking with Evey dog near the house yesterday morning just after the heavy rains had finished and I was wanting to make some nice autumnal pictures with lots of freshly fallen leaves.  I also shot some images of the stream in full flood and some new pictures of the remains of Mytholmebridge Viaduct which was demolished about thirty years ago.  I'll probably make a post in my normal blog with some of those images later in the week.

It hadn't actually stopped raining when we set off so I had my camera with just the 50mm lens stuffed into my little pouch (a bigger lens on the camera just wouldn't fit in the pouch, I tried).  As we walked the rain eased off and then eventually stopped so I fired off a few shots as we walked.  As we crossed over the road into the other woods we started to get some small patches of blue sky and occasional sightings of the sun.  This time of the year is quite good in the woods because not all of the leaves have fallen but the canopy has thinned out enough to let some of the sun get through to the ground.

So the first shot is when the sun was shining and making shadows with the trees across the ground and the tree themselves.  The second shot was just ten seconds later when the sun had gone back behind the clouds to make the light duller and more even.  For the second shot I had bumped the ISO setting up from 100 to 400 so I could keep the same shutter speed and aperture.  I did exactly the same post processing on both images so that it's a fair comparison.

Which is the better image?  Well, it depends on what you are looking for I guess.  The first image is very contrasty and the colours are much brighter which is nice but the dark areas have lost detail and the light areas are a bit blown out.  The whole image feels a lot softer, although I think it could be that the focus point it a little further back making the nearest tree slightly blurred.  The second image has far more detail in the dark areas and the only part that is blown out is the sky in the background.  However the lack of contrast makes it quite flat and the absence of shadows on the ground don't give as much depth as the first image.

In conclusion, neither image is a masterpiece for many reasons.  There's no real subject and no particular path through the composition so I find my eye just jumping around the frame.  They're too busy, although I suppose there is an element of repetition but it's not very strong.  Between the two I prefer the first because I like the high contrast and I'm not too concerned about the lack of detail in the shadow.  Not really a decisive moment but I guess it's a fair illustration of how ten seconds can make a big difference.

Tuesday, 13 October 2009

Day 13 - The Kiss 2

As I suggested yesterday I thought I'd take the last image and spend some time trying to improve it and  these are the adjustments I have made.  Firstly I have blurred the hair of the girl a little to stop it looking as though it's in sharp focus so that it doesn't pull the eye away from the heads.  For the same reason I have also darkened parts of both bodies especially where there were areas of high contrast.  To accentuate the heads a little more I've added a bit more contrast and sharpened slightly.  I cloned out the light patches in the top right hand corner and between the two bodies.  Then I added a vignette to make the corners darker and bring out the statue from the background.  Finally I have increased the colour saturation to really make the whole statue pop.   I think the improvement was well worth the effort.

Day 12 - The Kiss

We have this little sculpture which we have in our dining room that was bought for us some time ago.  I can't remember who bought it or what the occasion although I suspect it could have been a wedding anniversary.  We had a party for our 25th but I felt that we'd had it longer than that (7 years ago I think).  Anyhow the sculpture alternates its position, with the artificial flower display from Day 6, between the window sill and the wooden pedestal in the corner of the room.  The sculpture has the window position during the summer because it doesn't obscure the garden as much as the flower display.  The flower display has the window position during the winter as there are no flowers out there during the winter.

I always thought the statue was called 'The Kiss' like many other sculptures (for example Rodin and Klimt) so I decided to look it up.  It has a signature on the back which reads 'Martel' so started out by searching on Google.  Not too much success to begin with but eventually tracked it down and found out that it is actually called 'Exchange of Rings'.  The holes in the head signify the rings and the kiss is the first kiss after taking the marriage vows.  I haven't been able to pin down who the sculptor is although there were a couple for French cubist sculptors called Jan and Joel Martel so it could be them.

As with day6 I've been experimenting with my flashgun again.  I was using a shallow depth of field and concentrating on getting the focus on the kiss (or the rings).  Because of the angle I have taken the picture the girls hair is also in focus which is pulling my eye away from the main subject of the image.  I might have a go at blurring the hair to see if it improves the image and I might replace this version of the photo or just add the new version for comparison.

Sunday, 11 October 2009

Day 11 - Tree Fungus

After finally managing to rid my daughters computer of the fake anti virus program I went out for a walk in a nearby woods.  Just a quick post today as I'm so far behind. Here's an impressive fungus I saw as I was walking around.  I've lots more photos from the walk and I'll put them in my main blog later in the week.

Day 10 - Antivirus Pro 2010

A bit of a late post but the photo was taken on day 10.  I thought I'd be a bit late with the post as I was going out shopping with the girls to get a birthday present for my wife but it ended up being a lot later due to this spyware on my youngest daughters computer.  Last Sunday was taken up trying to sort it out and then I've been putting off looking at it during the week but I thought it was time to tackle the problem today.

This spyware is a fake anti virus program that tries to scare people into registering for a program to get rid of all the viruses that it pretends to find on their computer.  Fortunately my daughter wasn't fooled by this and didn't click the link.  I read on the internet that people have given their card details to these scum and ended up having money being spent on their debit and credit card.

I have to say that the program looks quite convincing and also has a wide ranging effect on the computer.  Such as blocking real anti virus websites, putting up a fake Windows Security centre screen, patching regedit to give a message that it has been disabled by the administrator, popping up a variety of official looking messages and somehow replicating itself on reboot if you do manage to delete the .exe file. After spending several hours trying to get rid of it I finally found a program 'Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware' that appears to have got rid of all traces of it and several other things as well.

All I can say is that I hate all the bastards that produce these virus, adware, spyware and malware programs. I've got better things to do with my life than spend my time sorting out the mess they make and trying to prevent it happening again.  My daughter was so upset that she was going to lose all the stuff she's been doing at university for the last four years.

Friday, 9 October 2009

Day 9 - Sunrise over Soveriegn

When I set off for work this morning I could see there was some colour coming into the sky so I tried to find a spot to get a good vantage point.  I took a detour from my normal route to work around some of the small country lanes on the hills above New Mill.  The first place I stopped and took some photos was just over the hill from where I'd taken the image for Day 7 so it was more to the South East than to the West.  As the sun crested the horizon there was some beautiful colour in the sky but I had the roofs of some houses and telegraph poles and lines which I wasn't too sure the I liked.  So I moved on to another spot where there were just trees on the horizon which I thought looked more natural.

Unfortunately the sun was rising fast so I was shooting directly into it by this time.  However that had the effect of completely blacking out the foreground to give this lovely silhouette.  Where the sun is on the horizon has produced quite a nice bit of flare into the silhouette which I also like quite a bit.  The part of the picture that is black is actually a working quarry at Sovereign where there is also a pub and a petrol station on the crossroads.  Fortunately it is completely black so the workings of the quarry are hidden.

I took a few more pictures in different directions from here because there was also a bit of mist in the valleys below which also looked quite good.  I moved on again to the windmills near Ingbirchworth but the sun was well above the horizon by now and the stunning colours had given way to some quite pleasant oranges and blues.  You only get ten to fifteen minutes when the sky is at its best and anyway it was also time to get going towards work, although there'll be no-one there this time on a Friday (see Day 2).  I might post some of the other images from this morning on my main blog or maybe here tomorrow because we're going shopping and I might not get the opportunity to take any new photographs.

Thursday, 8 October 2009

Day 8 - The Old Tree

Tonight I have spent some time working on this image that I shot on Saturday (or to put it another way, I haven't taken any photos today).  I posted a colour version of this image on my main blog but I did feel that a monochrome version might improve the dark feel of the this old tree.  I'm not sure what type of tree it is.  It looks a bit like an Oak tree but the leaves are the wrong shape so I think it could be Lime. 

When I converted the image to black I wanted to make it very dark and also retain as much contrast as possible to bring out the texture in the trunk and branches.  I used a blue filter for the conversion because it seemed to add more to the contrast then I burned in areas of the trunk and branches to accentuate the shapes. Finally I gave the image a bit of a sepia tone to warm it up a bit.  The pure black and white image still looked a bit flat so the hint of colour perks it up a little.  I'm not sure if the image is a bit dark overall.  I'll live with it for a while and then I might come back and lighten it up a touch if it still feels too dark.

Wednesday, 7 October 2009

Day 7 - Tone Mapped HDR Landscape

As I was driving home tonight there was a bit of pink in the sky and I thought I might be able to get a nice sunset image.  I stopped a little way from home and walked along a path that was fairly high up over New Mill, where I live.  I had been on a different part of this path quite a while ago and taken some sunset photos when there was a lot of colour in the sky.  The path is really an old road that usually has quite a lot of big pools of water along it and I had used these to get reflections of the sky last time I came here.

However tonight the sky was more layers of cloud and I soon realised that it was not going to be as pink as it could have been.  I took a few shots along the path, across the valley and over to the distant horizons but none of them were inspiring me much.  As I walked back towards my car I kept looking for something interesting, some weeds along the side of the path or the broken down stretches of dry stone wall.  Finally I stopped at this point where there was a wooded valley with some yellow flowering gorse bushes on the hillside beyond and I felt there was a shot here.  Behind the hillside there were other hills stretching back into the far horizon and then the slightly pink coloured grey and streaky clouds.

It was getting a bit dark by now so I figured that the best way to make an image of this scene was to make a tone mapped HDR.  This involves taken three shots, one at normal exposure, one two stops darker and one two stops lighter.  This is called bracketting and my camera will automatically do this by using different shutter speeds.  When the three shots are on the computer they are merged together using a program called Photomatix which has a vast array of controls to determine how the images are merged and presented.  The program uses the dynamic range of all the input images to produce one output image so can use the extra two stops at the top and the extra two stops at the bottom to put extra detail into the final images.  At one end of the scale the resultant images are close to reality whereas at the other end of the scale the final image takes on more of a painterly appearance, almost cartoon like.

As there was no particular subject in this image I decided to go for a more ethereal look.  The one thing that I don't like about this image is the halo effect in areas of high contrast, most noticeable along the tops of the trees.  I guess it's quite hard for the program to reconcile the high contrast so there's no option but to live with it.  Maybe it would be possible to counteract the effect in Photoshop but I haven't given that a try as yet. 

Day 6 - Experimenting with Flash

Just before I went on holiday I bought a cheap flashgun to experiment with.  I took it on holiday with me and one day when it was too hot to sit outside I played around with it for a while to try and get some idea of what worked and what didn't.  I've been reading the Lighting 101 course on the strobists blog and I decided it was time to give it another try.

The subject is an artificial flower display which sits in the corner of our dining room on a wooden pedestal.  For the image composition I haven't moved anything in the room and I decided to use the portrait orientation so that I could include the flowers, the vase and the top of the pedestal.  I placed the main subject off centre and lined the picture up along the right hand side of the frame.  I included the green curtain down the left hand of the frame to break up the straight edge a little.  Looking at the image now I'm thinking that maybe the bottom right corner is lacking something, but then I feel that if there was something else there then the image would become too cluttered.

I used the flashgun as a secondary light which was on my tripod against the wall to the right of the flower display.  I had the flashgun turned down quite low and pointing up toward the ceiling to bounce the light down from above and try to minimise the shadows.  I also had the on camera flash on so that it triggered the flashgun when I took the shot and I had the flash on the camera turned down also so that it balanced with the light from the flashgun.  I had tried a few different light settings and positions but I think this one achieved what I was wanting the best.  Most of the others were under and over exposed or had lighting that was very unbalanced.  It took a while but overall I am happy with the final shot.

I now have a better idea of what extra equipment I need so here's a list. 
  1. A second flashgun so I can light from two places and not use the on camera flash
  2. A wireless remote system to enable me to use the flashguns without using the on camera flash
  3. A couple of light stands and brackets so I can use my tripod for the camera
  4. Some umbrellas so I can defuse the light without having to rely on a white ceiling to bounce off
I'll have to have a good look on Ebay so I can get the bits and pieces on the cheap.  I might also have to start using one of the spare bedrooms as a studio and perhaps get a background for taking portraits.  Maybe I could even start to make some money instead of spending it for a change.

Monday, 5 October 2009

Day 5 - Pieris in the Moonlight

It's a very clear night tonight and the moon is almost full.  As the moon rises it has lit up my back garden so I thought it would be a good idea to make some images in my garden.  I tried a few shots of the decking and garden furniture but I was finding that getting anything in focus was quite difficult.  I had the camera lens set to manual focus but in the dark it was hard to see anything through the viewfinder.  So I changed to taking some photos of the plants and I think the best one was of this Pieris flower.

I used my LED torch to light up the plant while I set the focus but the photo itself is purely using the light from the moon.  I set the aperture to f/2.8 to give a little depth of field, set the shutter speed to 30 seconds (which is the maximum without holding the shutter open manually) and then balanced the exposure using the ISO setting.  I underexposed by one stop because I didn't want the image to be over bright so the ISO ended up at 320.  I added blur to the leaves on the right because they were on the same focal plain as the flower but I didn't want them to look in focus. Then I darkened some of the other bits in the background that I felt were too light and distracted from the main subject.  I think it's not bad for a late night effort.

Sunday, 4 October 2009

Day 4 - What!

Evey was trying to sleep on the settee next to me so I thought I'd take her photo.  My camera beeps when it gets auto focus and when she heard it her ears immediately pricked up.  Unfortunately the focus wasn't going where I wanted and with a wide aperture there wasn't much depth of field so I switched to manual focus.  My camera also beeps when you get manual focus at one of the focus points so now Evey was starting to pick up her head to look to see what I was doing.  I fired off a few shots which made more noises as the camera focused and the mirror went up and down inside the camera.  As she moved I kept re-focusing and taking more photos and she just looked at me as if to say "What!".  She's cute but doesn't look happy at being woken up.

Saturday, 3 October 2009

Day 3 - Rainbows End

It has been a very windy day today and there was sunshine and showers most of the day.  I took Evey the dog for a walk and part way around there was a lovely rainbow right across the sky.  I was travelling light so I just had my camera with the 50mm lens because I thought I'd find something for the PAD blog.  What this meant was that I could only get part of the rainbow in the frame.  I did consider taking multiple shots and then stitching them together but I decided that it would be too much trouble.

The rainbow was in the sky for quite a while although at one point I did have driving rain into my face so it wouldn't have been ideal to take a photo then otherwise I'd get water on my lens. I found a spot where I thought the composition was quite good and then waited for the ideal time (decisive moment) to take a photo.

I had moved to a position where the rainbow started (or ended)  from where tree on the left met the trees along the bottom and then went diagonally to the top right of the frame.  The tree on the left was much closer than the other trees although when I look at the picture now that isn't immediately obvious.  I was hoping that it would give the image a bit more depth.

In post processing I have boosted the contrast and saturation to bring out the colours more.  There were a couple of birds in the sky below the rainbow but I cloned them out because they were distracting.  I love the way the cloud in the middle is light above the rainbow and dark below it and that the rainbow is almost exactly across its centre.  The shape of the cloud also rhymes with the shapes of the trees to givethe image a bit of repetition.

During the walk I took quite a few more photos of different things, all with the 50mm lens so now I'm not sure whether to post some on my main blog or to keep them to post on this blog later.  I do think that setting of with just one fixed length lens is making me look a lot more closely at things that I walk past.  Maybe I should just store up the ideas for future posts.

Friday, 2 October 2009

Day 2 - Early Morning in the Office

It's Friday and I'm into work about 07:50.  The traffic was light on the motorway.  So there's no-one here (actually Donna was here but was out of shot) and all the blinds are still closed.  Usually Chris is in before me but he's on holiday in the USA for a few days and the early shift of support team are in the Manchester office today.  Fridays are usually quite in the office because all the project managers and executives are "working from home" but today the place is deserted.

Anyhow, as in my study it was quite gloomy, especially with the blinds down, so I set the sensitivity high again.  I didn't use the flash this time because the area was too big for it to make much difference.  In fact it would have lit up the foreground and left the background dark and I didn't want that.  So the shutter speed was a long 1/10 of a second which is a bit too slow to stop camera shake.  So I had the camera resting on top of a cabinet and I held it down while I pushed the button.

The lighting was giving a bit of a yellow cast so I adjusted the white balance to try and make it look more normal.  However it looks very blue outside through the gaps between the blinds and the blind at the end of the office.  Anyhow it's the weekend now (as I add the post) so maybe chance to get out and make some non work related shots.

Thursday, 1 October 2009

Day 1 - My Study

So this morning I was excited about kicking off with my Picture A Day so I rushed through my breakfast and took a picture of my study.  It was about 7am and still quite dark, but I took a couple of shots and uploaded them to my computer.  I wasn't too happy with the quality but I had run out of time because it was time to go to work.  I took my camera with me because I thought I'd have to take a different photo for the blog because these first ones were just not good enough.

As I was driving to work I was looking around at things I might photograph later for the blog.  A sunrise shot on my way to work is a definite but this morning it wasn't colourful enough.  I've lots of ideas now and I ought to write them down because at my age I tend to forget a lot of things.  When I got to work there were some small trees in the car park of the hotel next to the office that had some beautiful autumn colours so I need to catch them soon.  The sun was behind them and the yellows and reds were lit up wonderfully.  Unfortunately at lunch time the sky had clouded over somewhat so they weren't showing off their colours quite as well. 

On the way home I made a mental note of lots more photo opportunities so they'll be forgotten by tomorrow.  So back to my study and some more photographs.  It's still not too bright in here but I used my built in flash to try and balance with the natural light.  I used a high sensitivity (ISO800) so I could narrow the aperture but keep the shutter speed at 1/50 second to avoid motion blur.  So here's the final result .  My god, my study is a mess.  I have an idea for another photo, "my study when it's tidy".  Right, so where's my astrological calendar?   When's the next blue moon?

Wednesday, 30 September 2009

The PAD Starts Here

I've been photo blogging for a little while now, but I thought I needed a bit of a challenge. In my main blog I am showing the things I see as I walk around, or go on holiday or do bits of experimenting. This blog is going to be different.

Quite often when I don't have my camera I see something that I think would make a good image and then I feel dismayed that I wasn't prepared. So I thought about why I don't have my camera with me all of the time and the conclusion I reached was that it was too big and bulky to have all my stuff with me. But what if I just had my camera body and a little 50mm fixes focus lens, that's doable.

So that's it, from the 1st October 2009 until I get bored with the experiment I will have my camera and 50mm lens with me as much as I can, then I will take and post on my blog one photograph each day. I suspect that many may be late night efforts from around the house, but hopefully it will get me thinking. My aim is to have every image different and therefore force me to widen my range of subjects and techniques.

It could be interesting or it could just flop. Please come back and visit regularly and see if there's anything you like.